Lang Lang performs a medley of music with friends

Lang Lang playing a piano medley with friends is an absolute dream

“Weird Al” Yankovic conducts a live symphony orchestra

“Weird Al” Yankovic conducting a live orchestra is the best thing you’ll see all day

Sasha the flute

Lizzo’s flute has its own Instagram and it’s more iconic than you will ever be

T-Rex leads a performance of the 'Jurassic Park' theme

7 weird, wonderful and incredibly interesting ways of conducting an orchestra

Mezzo Daniela Mack Handel runs

Mezzo sings a gigantic 72-note Handel phrase **in one breath**

Jakub Józef Orliński

Watch countertenor Jakub Józef Orliński combine breakdancing with opera in this stunning video

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Quentin Tarantino movie soundtracks: Music from ‘Inglourious Basterds’ to ‘Once Upon A Time In Hollywood’

Scarlatti sonatas

555 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonatas, all played at the same time

Liszt's great-great-grandson plays his music

This teenager says he is Franz Liszt’s great-great-great-grandson – and we can feel it

Man plays rubber chicken

Man hilariously plays the recorder with a squeezy rubber chicken

 Handel shred

This Handel shred is the most majestic piece of classical humour

Fedotov won last year's Ice Age Kids contest

Incredible 8-year-old Russian ice skater dances to Rossini’s ‘Figaro’ aria

pavarotti's granddaughter sings nessun dorma

This 15-year-old is rumoured to be Pavarotti’s granddaughter – and she sings ‘Nessun Dorma’ magnificently

Soloist cries in Schindler's List

Soloist is left in tears after an emotional performance of ‘Schindler’s List’

Countertenor singing hack

This countertenor has found an amazing hack for hitting a top C

Musicians - brain surgery

These musicians keep on making music… in the middle of major surgery

Billy Joel duet with Logan Riman

Billy Joel invited a blind teenage piano prodigy to play with him and hearts were melted