American oboist, Janice Thomson, dies after falling down concert hall stairs, minutes before performance

15 November 2019, 10:20

Janice Thomson died after falling down flight of stairs at concert hall
Janice Thomson died after falling down flight of stairs at concert hall. Picture: Facebook

By Maddy Shaw Roberts

A beloved member of the Greater Miami Symphonic Band has died, after falling down a flight of stairs minutes before a performance. A memorial is being held for her on Sunday.

An oboist, English horn player and beloved member of the Greater Miami Symphonic Band has died after falling down the stairs at a Florida concert hall.

Janice Thomson, 62, hit her head when she fell on the tile floor of the lobby of the Maurice Gusman Concert Hall in Coral Gables, in the southeast US state.

The accident happened just 20 minutes before the band’s season-opening concert on Sunday night.

Thomson was immediately taken to a local hospital by ambulance, followed by her husband and parents. She died in hospital the next day, surrounded by loved ones.

“We will be dedicating our December 10 Gusman Hall concert in her memory,” the Greater Miami Symphonic Band writes on their Facebook page.

“As has been our tradition, we will have an unoccupied seat in the oboe section with a single rose on it. Please keep her family in your thoughts during this difficult holiday season.”

Oboist Janice Thomson has died after falling down a flight of stairs at a concert hall.
Oboist Janice Thomson has died after falling down a flight of stairs at a concert hall. Picture: Facebook

Thomson was put on life support as soon as she arrived at the hospital but suffered from internal bleeding. The band’s president, Thom Proctor, confirmed on Monday afternoon in a message to all members that she had passed away around midday.

Guest conductor Gary Green, who has known Thomson for several years, describes hearing her play the oboe beautifully during the rehearsal on Sunday. He told The Miami Hurricane that he had planned to have her stand up at the end of the concert, to take a special bow.

“My memory of Janice will always be of her warmth and her giving personality and the beauty of her music,” he told the newspaper.

A memorial service will be held for Janice Thomson on 17 November at 5pm, at the Granada Presbyterian Church in Coral Gables.