Classic FM Live - The Presenters
1. Margherita Taylor and John Suchet
Our guides for the evening. Pic: PA Photos
2. John Suchet and Margherita Taylor
A cheque from The Classic FM Foundation, Classic FM's charity, is presented to Nordoff Robbins. Pic: Richard Johnson
3. John Suchet
This was John Suchet's first Classic FM Live since joining as a presenter. Pic: Matt Crossick/ PA Photos
4. Margherita Taylor and John Suchet
Pic: PA Photos
5. John Suchet and Margherita Taylor
Pic: Richard Johnson
6. John Suchet and Margherita Taylor
Talking to the director of Nordoff Robbins. Pic: Richard Johnson
7. Margherita Taylor and John Suchet
Pic: Matt Crossick/ PA Photos