13 real-life problems literally every musician will relate to
2 July 2019, 18:28
Being a musician is a daily hardship, and nobody else will ever understand what you go through. We’re here for you.
When the page-turner doesn’t show up to the concert
Picture: tumorsandmusic.tumblr.com Spending 93 per cent of your life taping sheet music together is not a fun hobby.
Playing outside is not ‘special and atmospheric’, it’s ‘cold and impractical’
Wind is your enemy.
None of your friends understand your excellent tastes
Picture: @orchestrahumour You don’t know what you’re missing out on, guys.
Hashtags are a problem
Picture: N/A -
And no one ever gets your hilarious puns
Picture: Twitter/ Dad Jokes I could write you a Liszt, amirite?
Child prodigies give you anxiety
They’re everywhere, being incredibly talented with their teeny, tiny hands.
The fear you might never find a date who gets your music taste
Picture: N/A Biber > Bieber.
Travelling is never practical
Picture: Twitter -
You can’t remember the name of any of your favourite pieces
Picture: Twitter -
Search engines aren’t kind to you
So rude.
Your neighbours don’t appreciate your talent
Picture: Rusty McKinney Sorry-not-sorry.
Your tiny hands will never, ever be big enough
Picture: Classic FM Shame on you, Rach.
And no one knows the name of your instrument anyway.
String section. Picture: N/A *sigh*