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The best national anthems


Lady Gaga sings US national anthem at Biden inauguration

What are the lyrics to the US National Anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner?

Christopher Macchio will sing at the Inauguration.

Who is Christopher Macchio, the operatic tenor singing the national anthem at the US inauguration?

Ambassador Suzuki singing the Welsh national anthem

Japanese UK ambassador sings Wales’ national anthem in Welsh, delighting crowds

Pentatonix sing the US national anthem at NFL Game on Christmas Day

Vocal group Pentatonix sing ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ in spine-tingling five-part harmony

Soprano Nadine Sierra sings glorious ‘La Marseillaise’ outside Notre-Dame as cathedral opens its doors

Soprano Nadine Sierra sings glorious ‘La Marseillaise’ outside Notre-Dame as cathedral opens its doors

James Earl Jones reciting the US national anthem proves his voice was music

James Earl Jones reciting the US national anthem proves his voice was music