The 2015 Classic Fm Movie Music Hall of Fame: the facts and figures behind the chart
So Howard Shore's The Lord of the Rings has been voted the nation's favourite piece of movie music once more – but which piece came top among female votes? And what would the chart look like if it was up to the under-18s? We've been looking into the stats in some more detail…
1. John Williams
John Williams has the most pieces in this year's chart.
2. Star Wars
Lord of the Rings may have been Number 1 – but among men, Star Wars came out on top.
3. Lord of the Rings
While among women…
4. The top 10 according to people over 45s
This is how the chart would look if it were just up to voters over 45
5. The top 10 according to people under 18
And this is how the top ten would look if we only counted the votes from people under the age of 18.
6. Gravity
Where's Gravity this year?
7. Midnight Cowboy
This year's highest climber is a John Barry score
8. Schindler's List
Schindler's List comes top among the over-45s
9. Interstellar
This year's highest new entry is a John Barry score.
10. Back to the Future
Alan Silvestri's score takes a tumble
11. John Barry
John Barry comes top among one age group…
12. Exodus
A classic score returns to the chart