Romantic classical music

Most romantic opera duets (Lisette Oropesa as Violetta Valéry and Liparit Avetisyan as Alfredo Germont in La traviata, at The Royal Opera House in 2021)

The 10 most romantic opera duets of all time

50 greatest classical love songs

The 50 greatest classical love songs

Relationship status music quiz

Pick your favourite classical music and we’ll reveal your relationship status

Which piece of music sums up your love life?

Quiz: Which piece of music sums up your love life?

Nothing enhances the emotion better than a swooping film score, which elevates the passion on screen to new heights.

10 most romantic movie scores of all time

The 10 most romantic pieces of classical music

The 10 most romantic pieces of classical music

The best classical music playlists to suit your every mood

The best classical music playlists to suit your every mood

Heart-melting quotations from love letters written by composers

10 heart-melting quotations from composers’ love letters

Romeo proposes to Juliet, after stunning ballet duet on-stage at Verona Arena

Romeo proposes to Juliet, after stunning ballet duet on stage at Verona Arena

Film composer Hans Zimmer and his partner, Dina De Luca

Film composer Hans Zimmer proposes to his girlfriend on stage at London arena concert

From organ works to delicate pieces for string quartet – the most beautiful pieces of classical wedding music

30 beautiful pieces of classical music for your wedding ceremony

Audience member proposes in shock moment at Texas symphony orchestra concert

Audience member proposes in shock moment at Texas symphony orchestra concert

10 Valentine’s Day gift suggestions for your classical music loving better half

10 best Valentine’s Day gifts for the classical music lover in your life