Just listen to the sound of this cello – you won’t believe what it’s made from
24 October 2017, 13:29
This incredible string instrument looks like it’s carved from ice – but it’s actually made of glass.
Cellist Jesse Ahmann was getting fed up of playing his regular cello, so he thought he’d give something else a whirl.
He got in touch with Gary Word, an artist and musical instrument maker who creates glass instruments – and asked him to make a glass cello for him to play.
Using a loop pedal and regular cello bow, the sound the cellist creates is unbelievably eerie. Though the timbre isn’t as rich as what is produced by a hollow wood frame, the slightly thinner sound is epically spine-tingling on the harmonic notes of his improvisation.
Plus, fair play to Jesse – we can’t even imagine how heavy that thing must be to carry around…
Find him on his website, and on YouTube as Montana cellist.
Now, enjoy this musician (Beanzo) play Bach’s The Art of Fugue on glass beer bottles: