These acronyms will help you remember the rudiments of music
We've got some acronyms that are way better than 'Every Good Boy Deserves Football'.
1. Treble clef: notes in spaces
For Alluring Chopin Etiquette.
2. Treble clef: notes on lines
Eggs Go Bang During February.
3. Alto clef: notes in spaces
Go Blind Defending Finzi.
4. Alto clef: notes on lines
Fencing And Cows Equals Gore.
5. Bass clef: notes in spaces
A Chihuahua Ended Grieg.
6. Bass clef: notes on lines
God’s Burrito Doesn’t Feature Avocado.
7. Order of sharps
Fortunate Cats Glug Daiquiris All Evening Blindly.
8. Order of flats
By Eating All Day Gentlemen Can Fart.