7 times John Williams was completely awesome
19 July 2016, 10:46 | Updated: 19 July 2016, 11:05

The man behind the iconic music for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jaws and Harry Potter is a complete legend. Here’s why…
This picture
So much awesome.
He’s a great conductor too
Here he is conducting the Imperial March and admirably refraining from singing along. **DAAA DAAA DAAA DAAA DA-DA DAAA DA-DA**
This quote
“Writing a tune is like sculpting. You get four or five notes, you take one out and move one around, and you do a bit more and eventually, as the sculptor says, "In that rock there is a statue, we have to go find it.”
This completely delightful footage of Steven Spielberg and John Williams composing ET
Break our hearts, why don’t you, guys…
John Williams has been nominated for an Oscar 50 times
That makes him the second most nominated person ever – beaten only by Walt Disney with 59 nominations. He's also won a chunk of Grammys – and here he is casually holding three of them.
That time John Boyega took a selfie with him
Even multi-academy-award-winners have time for a quick selfie. And even Hollywood actors get star-struck when they meet a film composing legend.
These guys
Sure, they’re one of the greatest partnerships in the history of movies. But they’re also just two friends, doing what they do best. WE LOVE YOU GUYS