Tchaikovsky meets Will Smith

A genius mixed Tchaikovsky’s ‘Swan Lake’ with Will Smith’s ‘Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It’ and it’s an actual bop

UK - Peter Wright's "The Nutcracker" in London

Royal Ballet tweaks ‘Arabian dance’ scene in The Nutcracker to ensure show is inclusive

Sounds of the 1860s: listen to the earliest record

Sounds of the 1860s: listen to the earliest recordings known

1812 Overture

Percussionist perfectly dodges a flying bass drum mallet in a hilariously dramatic 1812 Overture

Sydney SO Paper Bags

An orchestra performed Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture with PAPER BAGS


‘Explore as far as you can go with your imagination – and study like hell!’ – conductor Koen Kessels