This orchestra’s magnificent Boléro flashmob in Spain is a picture of musical joy
14 July 2021, 13:35
Hundreds of people were stopped in their tracks when the Musical Society of Algemesí broke out into Ravel’s simple, beguiling melody.
As a lone drummer stood in the city of Algemesí in Spain, onlookers didn’t think much of it as they wandered by.
But when fellow musicians from the Musical Society of Algemesí started to bring out their instruments too, seamlessly weaving in their flutes and clarinets and bassoons for a rendition of Ravel’s unmistakable Boléro... everyone stopped to watch.
Watch as the work’s famous ostinato steadily thrums through the crowd, before the mighty sound of the full orchestra floods the packed square.
This exciting flashmob isn’t the first spontaneous serenade the musicians have sprung upon Spanish residents – their YouTube channel is filled with similarly joyous performances.
Read more: Spectacular Carmina Burana flashmob brings train station to a shuddering halt in blaze of music

Check out this amazing flashmob to Ravel's Bolero
The Musical Society of Algemesí’s street show took place eight years ago, back in February 2013.
Since then, it has been viewed on the orchestra’s YouTube channel an incredible 29 million times.
Whether it’s a Mozart flashmob on the streets of Prague, or a Beethoven flashmob on the historic streets of a German city, there’s something quite spectacular and life-affirming about these surprise public performances.