Johann Pachelbel (1653–1706)

Most shared Pachelbel features

Pachelbel Canon in D

How did Pachelbel’s Canon in D become the most popular wedding song?

Pachelbel’s Canon in D is one of the most famous canons

What is a canon?

Figure skater Isabella Aparicio performs poignant routine to her father Luciano’s ‘Pachelbel’s Canon’ recording

16-year-old figure skater performs to late father’s ‘Pachelbel’s Canon’ in heart-breaking tribute

From Mozart to Elgar: the best pieces of classical music for beginners

15 timeless pieces to begin your journey into classical music

Pachelbel’s Canon on trains

Pachelbel’s Canon… honked out by hundreds of train horns in a hilarious medley

Nicki Minaj and Pachelbel meet

Someone mixed Pachelbel’s Canon with Nicki Minaj ‘Starships’ and it’s disturbingly catchy