11 reasons you should never date a classical music

11 reasons you should never date a classical musician

Musicians - brain surgery

These musicians keep on making music… in the middle of major surgery

practice tips for musicians

10 tips to help you practise more effectively

Nadine Benjamin

‘I quit banking to become an opera singer’ – rising star Nadine Benjamin

iconic female artists

10 utterly iconic women in classical music

music history in cat gifs

The entire history of classical music in cat gifs

Elaine Chew irregular heartbeats

A pianist is composing classical music from irregular heartbeats, to help diagnose patients

composer date quiz

Which composer should you go on a date with?

Leanne Laine art

Leanne Laine combines music and wine in her art, and it's quite irresistible

Piano stock photo

Confirmed: musicians have faster reaction times than non-musicians

musician every day tips

10 extremely simple things musicians can do every day to make life a little easier